
About Me
Carrie's Construction Tips

Welcome to my blog. I'm Carrie and I would like to share some of the top tips I have learnt about construction and repair work in the home. My passion is for buying old property and carrying out work on them to bring them into the 21st century. I started out doing this a couple of years ago. I used some money I had inherited to buy a wreck of a place and if I am honest, I didn't have a clue what I was doing. I was really lucky to find some great contractors who helped me out a lot and taught me lots of very cool things.


4 Reasons to Use Wood Laminate Over Genuine Timber for Your Bathroom Floor

16 October 2017
 Categories: , Blog

In most cases, people prefer natural timber over laminate wood flooring. However, those looking to add a wood floor to their bathroom should certainly consider using engineered laminate flooring over the genuine article, and here are just four important reasons why. 1. You Need it to Handle Moisture As you've probably already worked out, any flooring that goes in the bathroom needs to handle moisture. Even if you somehow don't manage to splash any water directly on the floor from your shower or bath, the steam from hot water is still going to leave moisture across the floor. Read More …

Why a Consultant Engineer Should Always Augment a Project’s Core Team

13 October 2017
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

Construction projects today are becoming more and more complex as the demands of investors and end-users increase exponentially. Developers are constantly looking to push the envelope in order to come up with an end product that is attractive, can sell well and will attract top dollar. With these complex projects comes an increase in demand for very skilled engineering input and this has led to an increase in the number of consulting engineers ready to offer assistance when needed. Read More …

3 Tips For Creating A Modern Yet Classic Exterior Paint Colour Palette With Your Own Unique Twist

12 October 2017
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

Repainting your home's exterior is a fast and highly effective way to freshen up and modernise the overall look. Choosing the right colours is crucial for creating a stylish and contemporary look that will still fit in with and complement the standard palette of your neighbourhood. Here are three tips for choosing exterior paint colours that are beautiful and classic with your own unique twist. 1. Add splashes of colour Read More …

New Houses: Simple Guidelines on Enhancing Your Entrance Door Security

12 October 2017
 Categories: , Blog

There are numerous issues that you must consider after moving into a new home. One of these critical elements is the security of your entryways. If your door locks are not secure and reliable, you could expose your home to unauthorised intrusion. The former owners might have given their friends, relatives and neighbours a copy of their keys. Moreover, the real estate office might still have access. Some of these individuals could misuse the duplicates. Read More …

Why There Is an Increasing Demand for Dry Boat Storage at Marinas

12 October 2017
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

When it comes to marina construction, people will typically associate these structures with docks where they would have to rope in their boats to keep them secure. Although conventional marina building exclusively provided this functionality, there has been a steady increase in marina builders that incorporate dry boat storage in their structure. Dry boat storage is providing a pocket-friendly solution for people who may not afford premium marina fees. Moreover, dry boat storage also offers an array of other advantages that you would not enjoy by docking your boat directly at the marina. Read More …