Carrie's Construction Tips

About Me
Carrie's Construction Tips

Welcome to my blog. I'm Carrie and I would like to share some of the top tips I have learnt about construction and repair work in the home. My passion is for buying old property and carrying out work on them to bring them into the 21st century. I started out doing this a couple of years ago. I used some money I had inherited to buy a wreck of a place and if I am honest, I didn't have a clue what I was doing. I was really lucky to find some great contractors who helped me out a lot and taught me lots of very cool things.


What to Do When a Light Bulb Keeps Blowing

17 October 2017
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

Have you ever had a fixture that kept blowing your bulbs every other week? This can be incredibly frustrating and costly depending on how often you have to buy a new bulb. While most people claim that bulbs blow because of faulty wiring, it turns out that your installation may have nothing to do with that annoying occurrence. So what exactly causes bulb burnouts and what can you do to change that? Read More …

Installing Internet Services? Choose Fibre Optic over Copper Cabling

17 October 2017
 Categories: , Blog

When it comes to data cabling services, copper data cables have been the ubiquitous option in the Australian market. Firstly, copper cables are economical, making them cost-efficient for both residences and business alike. Secondly, since copper cables are already pre-existent in numerous buildings, they are convenient when you are only looking to extend your network. Nevertheless, this does mean that they are the best choice as digitisation continues to expand. The latest entrant in the market is fibre optic cabling, and it is proving to be more advantageous than traditional copper cabling. Read More …

How to Choose the Best Portaloo Hire Agency in Repton, Australia

16 October 2017
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

When holding an event or having some temporary construction work, portaloo hire is unavoidable. It is for this reason that you will need to get some of the best portaloo hire services to sort out your call of nature. Here are some of the things that you should consider when intending to choose a portaloo hire agency for your events. Reputation When choosing the best portaloo hire agency, it is important to check on the reputation. Read More …

Why Fibre Optic Cabling Is the Perfect Replacement for Traditional Copper Cabling

16 October 2017
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

Fibre optic cables are a modern alternative to the copper cabling that was traditionally used to connect homes, offices and businesses to the telecommunications network. Unlike copper cabling, which consist of thick copper wires, fibre optic cables comprise several strands of ultra-thin optical fibres, through which communication signals in the form of light pulses can be transmitted over long distances. The current trend in Australia and many other developed countries across the world has been to phase out wired cabling by taking the fibre optic cabling route. Read More …

The Appropriate Asbestos Removal Process

16 October 2017
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

Asbestos is a material usually found in houses built in the 1970s or earlier. Over time, it was discovered to cause both cancerous and non-cancerous health issues over time. Therefore, it is prudent to eliminate it when renovating, remodeling or tearing down a home that has asbestos installed. Ensure that you call a professional asbestos removal company to carry out the work. While you might not be directly involved in the removal process, it is vital that you know and understand the appropriate removal process. Read More …