Dealing With Bee Allergies: How to Keep Bees Out of Your Garden

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Carrie's Construction Tips

Welcome to my blog. I'm Carrie and I would like to share some of the top tips I have learnt about construction and repair work in the home. My passion is for buying old property and carrying out work on them to bring them into the 21st century. I started out doing this a couple of years ago. I used some money I had inherited to buy a wreck of a place and if I am honest, I didn't have a clue what I was doing. I was really lucky to find some great contractors who helped me out a lot and taught me lots of very cool things.


Dealing With Bee Allergies: How to Keep Bees Out of Your Garden

24 October 2019
 Categories: , Blog

If someone in your family is allergic to bee stings, then you'll do your best to keep them away from bees. However, this isn't always easy. You can't predict when a bee will come along.

This can be a headache outdoors. For example, if you like spending time in your garden, then you may worry that the person with the allergy will come across a bee that is after some of your plants.

While you can't keep every bee at bay and you don't want a completely plant-free garden, you can plan your outdoor space to make it less attractive to bees. What can you do?

Keep Plants Away From the House

You can create zones that bees won't be as interested in close to your home. So, for example, if you have a patio area, then don't have any plants in it or near it. Keep plants that might attract bees further down your garden, like at the edge of your yard.

If bees are interested in your plants, they'll stay with them. They shouldn't be that interested in your patio area. This way, you at least have some outdoor space that might be bee-free.

Plant Things That Won't Attract Bees

If you fill a garden with sweet-smelling, pollen-rich and brightly coloured flowering plants, then your plants will attract bees. They'll make an effort to get close to your plants and flowers.

So, try to plant things that won't attract bees. Plants that don't flower, like shrubs, are a good option. If you want flowering plants in your garden, go for varieties that don't have strong smells.

Colour choice has an impact here too. For example, bees can't see the colour red. They generally have good colour vision, but red isn't on their scale.

So, if you plant bright red flowers, then a bee might fly straight over them as they might not recognise them as plants. If you plant blue, violet and purple flowers, however, then bees will be attracted to those colours, so they are best avoided.

Plant Things Bees Don't Like

Some plants are less attractive to bees than others. They may actually discourage bees from hanging around in your garden.

For example, bees don't much like the smell of some herbs, like mint and basil. Eucalyptus plants and trees might turn them off rather than call them in.

If you want more advice on plants that are likely to keep bees out of your garden, then visit your local wholesale nursery or contact landscape plant suppliers. They will have other ideas and tips and can supply enough suitable plants to help you bee-proof your garden quickly.