Uncovering the Truth Behind Rising Damp

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Carrie's Construction Tips

Welcome to my blog. I'm Carrie and I would like to share some of the top tips I have learnt about construction and repair work in the home. My passion is for buying old property and carrying out work on them to bring them into the 21st century. I started out doing this a couple of years ago. I used some money I had inherited to buy a wreck of a place and if I am honest, I didn't have a clue what I was doing. I was really lucky to find some great contractors who helped me out a lot and taught me lots of very cool things.


Uncovering the Truth Behind Rising Damp

3 April 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Once you are a homeowner, you quickly learn that there are a few structural problems that you never want your property to succumb to. A major issue that should have you seeking immediate remediation is rising damp. The tricky thing about rising damp is that it happens gradually over a prolonged period, so by the time you realise your property is affected, it will have already left a wake of destruction in its path. Thus, it is vital for all homeowners to invest in periodic inspections to make sure that any symptoms of rising damp are dealt with before your house's integrity has been jeopardised. But what is rising damp? This article seeks to uncover the key things you need to know about this scourge.

Why is your property vulnerable to rising damp?

If your primary construction supplies comprised stone, concrete or brick, then your building is continuously facing an onslaught against moisture. The levels of groundwater in your location will rise and fall depending on external factors such as rainfall levels, snow and so on. As long as there is moisture seeping into the ground, there will also be water rising too.

Construction supplies that are inherently porous will have a proclivity for absorbing this groundwater. Since this is a natural reaction, contractors will install a damp-proof course at the foundation of your home to limit this absorption. The moment the DPC is damaged, your structure will be exposed to rising damp.

Why do you need rising damp repairs?

If you believe that rising damp is only a cause for concern because it has a significant impact on the appearance of the exterior of your property, you will be grossly mistaken. Rising damp is not just a cosmetic issue. At the onset, the moisture forms tide marks on your walls, which make your property seem like it has survived flood damage.

When left undeterred, the moisture continues to seep into the interior of the structure, steadily compromising the plasterwork of the house. At this point, you will notice that timber structures in your home such as baseboards and trimming are also beginning to succumb to either dry or wet rot.

Prolonged exposure to rising damp can jeopardise your property's insulation, which translates into diminished energy efficiency. Lastly, the more moisture collecting inside your residence, the higher the risk of mould and the subsequent negative impact on the health of all inhabitants in the home. Therefore, rising damp repairs are not only prudent but could be your only line of defence against undue harm to your loved ones and structure at large.